When you have a large pattern to cut out, but you just don't have enough pins, all you need is one of these neat little weights to hold that paper pattern down on to the fabric without any fuss and nonsense. (Also, they will not prick you like a pin).
They use a minimum amount of fabric, (off-cuts are perfect) and I think nearly everyone has got a fair amount of rice in their cupboard to make it nice and heavy.

You Will Need:
Fabric: 8inches by 4inches
Ribbon: 5inches long
Rice (enough to fill approximately 3/4 of the weight)
A knitting needle or anything to poke corners out with
Sewing machine/hand sewing equipment
How to Make Some Pattern Weights:
Fold the fabric in half, lengthways, right sides together and make a mark where the fold is for future references.
Fold the ribbon in half and place it in the middle of the the fabric.
Fold the fabric in half and pin in place.
Sew a right angle starting at the ribbon, pivoting at the corner and finishing so that you have the bottom side unsewn.
Open the unsewn side and pin together the sewn seam and the mark from the middle of the fabric which you made earlier.

Sew across the pinned side, leaving a gap at the end of approximately 1".
Using that gap, turn right sides out and poke all the corners out.
Fill approximately 3/4 of the the way full with rice, or until heavy.

Sew the hole closed using a ladder stitch.

Enjoy using on future projects!
If you would like extra help, watch this video: