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Sewing Tutorial: Baby's Skirt and Matching Headband

Writer's picture: Cassidy Cassidy

Updated: Feb 23, 2023

This is, by far, the quickest and simplest piece of clothing you will ever sew, it makes the cutest outfit and the perfect present.

To make the skirt all you need are two measurements: the width and the length: If you are making the skirt for a present or you cannot measure the baby's waist, then there is a size chart to follow here. Otherwise, measure the baby's waist and the length you desire the skirt to be. In the same way, to make the headband, measure the circumference of the baby's head. Again if this is not possible, here is a handy chart for you to follow.

Let's get started...


Note: All seam allowances for this project are 1/4inch.

To Make the Skirt:

You Will Need:

  • Two pieces of fabric, both the width of the waist (plus 1/2inch) by the length you would like the skirt to be (plus 1.5inches)

  • Elastic, the length of the waist (plus 1/4inch)

  • Safety pin

  • Pins

  • Sewing machine



  • Place the two pieces of fabric right sides together. Pin the shortest edges and sew them closed.

  • On one of the raw edges, fold over to the wrong side of the material 1/4inch hem, press with an iron. Then again - on the same side - fold over another 1/4inch. Pin and sew all the way round the hem.

  • On your last raw edge, press another double hem of 1/4inch and then 1/2inch. Pin and sew all the way round the hem until you come approximately 1inch away from where you started, then stop sewing (when you sew this, make sure you leave enough room in the hem to be able to fit the elastic through it).

  • With a safety pin attached to the end of your elastic, thread it through the opening you made in the hem, all the way round until it comes out at the other side.

  • Take both ends of the elastic, lay one on top of the other and sew - make sure it is really secure.

  • To finish, sew closed the gap in the hem.


To Make the Headband:

You Will Need:

  1. Piece of fabric the circumference of the baby's head minus 4.5inches by 2.5inches

  2. Piece of fabric 10.5 inches by 2.5inches

  3. Elastic 5.25inches long

  4. 6 circles of fabric approximately 3inches in diameter

  5. 1 button approximately 3/4inch in diameter

  6. Glue gun/ fabric glue

  7. Pins

  8. Needle and thread

  9. Sewing Machine/general sewing equipment

  10. Safety Pin


  • On your longest rectangle, fold 1/4inch to the wrong side of the fabric on both of the shortest ends.

  • Fold that same piece right sides together, lengthways. Sew down the longest side. Turn right sides out to make a tube.

  • Repeat step 2 with your second rectangle.

  • Thread your elastic through the shortest tube, with the help of a safety pin, have both ends of the elastic in line with the edges of the tube, baste along each open edge to secure the elastic in place.

  • Slip each end of your shortest tube into the folded openings of your long one. Over stitch them closed. Now you have the main body of the headband.

  • Take one of your circles, with an iron press it in half, then into a quarter. Repeat this proses with the remaining five circles (these will now be called petals in the forthcoming steps).

  • With a long piece of thread on your needle, hand sew long running stiches across the top of your petal - it is also the only part with a visible raw edge. Leave a tail of thread at the end for later on.

  • Carry on sewing the rest of the petals onto the string in the same way. Now, pull all of the petals closely together. Knot the string together tightly to bring all the petals round in a circle.

  • Take the button and glue it to the middle of the flower, when you do this it should hide the raw edges in the middle.

  • Choose the place on your headband where you would like the flower to sit and glue it on.

That is it! You now have a cute baby's outfit completed.

Baby's skirt and matching headband on a surface with sewing box

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